Box provides a secure, cloud-based storage and collaboration service to all members of the UC Santa Barbara community. Since 2015, UCSB has contracted with Box to provide a unified storage solution available to anyone with a UCSBnetID. In conjunction with Collaborate and ETS, Box offers online storage capabilities, at no cost to individuals or departments.

What is Box?

  • A campus-supported, non-mandatory, secure cloud-based storage solution.
  • Built-in tools to create and share files with anyone, including real-time collaborative editing support for documents in Microsoft Office Online.
  • Encrypted file storage.
  • FERPA compliant - Interested in HIPPA/PII?
  • UC Santa Barbara and Box respect your privacy. Access is protected by UC Santa Barbara's Electronic Communications Policy and contract with Box.

Questions? See Box Frequently Asked Questions or Contact Collaborate for help!

What's new in Box?

For the most up-to-date information about UCSB Box, check out our FAQ.
For more information about Box, check out Box Community. []

Get Started

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your UCSBnetID and password. 
  3. Drag and drop files, collaborate, and customize to suit your needs.

Click the "Start Here" folder in Box to familiarize yourself with the service and tools available to you.