Collaborate works closely with other campus instructional technology efforts, providing enhancements to existing services to address specific needs, and coordinating services to provide a coherent set of offerings to faculty and students.


Canvas is the leading LMS among major public research universities. Already in use by a majority of University of California campuses, California State Universities and Community Colleges, Canvas has proven to be a reliable solution to support teaching and learning. The Canvas learning platform is known for being customizable, adaptable, and reliable.

Student Support Center

Collaborate student staff provide support on general productivity software primarily in the areas of word processing, spreadsheet creation, charting, web and other specialized software titles.

UCSBnetID Student Support

Trained Collaborate student staff answer questions about UCSBnetID with the assistance of a specialized tool provided by ITS Identity.

Learning Spaces

Collaborate provides instructional labs, presentation and interaction technologies in departmental and general assignment classrooms, campus wireless access to instructional services, and remote access to specialized software.

Campus Office of Software Licensing

Campus Office of Software Licensing Information

The Campus Office of Software Licensing (COSL) coordinates site licenses and volume purchases of specialized software in order to provide discounted pricing and centralized availability.


JupyterHub brings the power of notebooks to groups of users. It gives users access to computational environments and resources without burdening the users with installation and maintenance tasks. Users - including students, researchers, and data scientists - can get their work done in their own workspaces on shared resources which can be managed efficiently by system administrators.

Current Courses:

About Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more.


Get help with GauchoPrint

GauchoPrint is UCSB's answer to student printing needs. Students are able to upload any document from their own devices and print them at printers located in Collaborate, Housing, or Library spaces.